Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Web 2.0

I think Web 2.0 is important because as library staff we need to keep current on what resources are available and whether they are reliable. As much as I feel that learning Web 2.0 is important, I don’t think we should entirely take our focus off of the skills that we have and use now. There are many patrons that are not familiar with computers and we do not want to loose them as customers because we have become too computer based.

7 1/2 Habits

From watching the 7 1/2 habits I definitely could identify my strengths and weaknesses.
My strenghts include:
  • Begin with the end in mind
  • Accept responsibility in your own learning
  • Have confidence in yourself
  • Use technology to your advantage

My weaknesses include:

  • View problems as a challenge
  • Create your own learning toolbox

The tutorial gave us a challenge to create a learning contract with ourselves. My learning contract with myself is going to be:

Learn a totally new technology to me (like podcasting) until I feel comfortable with most aspects of it.

Here we go...

Well, I have started Web 2.0 finally and am on my way! I hope you all enjoy my "musings" and feel free to comment! :)