Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Myspace Profile

I have had a myspace account for a while now. I find this website and my page very easy to navigate and user friendly.

I thinkt that it is so popular because it enables you to do so many things. You can make plans with friends, keep in touch with people you never have before, make new friends, find out about different events going on in your aread, find new bands, find out where and when their shows are, etc.. Businesses now even have their own pages to keep you up to date on what is going on. It is an easy way to keep in touch and it does not require a lot of time. It is your own personal website, but you can keep your information private and only let people see it if they are your friend. You have to approve everyone that is your friend, so it really isn't as dangerous as perceived, except when people don't take their own precautions (which are available and talked about all the time).

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